just a little preface...
This blog consist of meals that are practically all purchased with the help of my footstamp budget, I work full time, but as a single mom with two children at home I am classified as "poverty level". I thank God everyday that my children get good homecooked meals, because there are so many kids in the USA that go hungry every day. I just wanted to add this so if you think you cannot purchase good food and create good meals on a tight budget I hope my blog makes you think of food in a different way. noturtypicalgma

the only thing i ask in sharing these recipes with you, is that you must really love the person you serve them to....cooking is how i show my love to the special people in my life.....

Monday, May 16, 2011

Super Easy Blender Salsa

Salsa is in my blood, any true blue Mexican better know how to make it! Salsa has surpassed Ketchup as the number one condiment of choice, just wish my Dad would have known that when he was growing his "salsa garden" back in the day! We coulda been gajillionaires. My mom used to make salsa like this in a molcajete (pronounced moca-hetay) or mortar and pestle. I didn't even know to use a blender until my friend Liz Mares made this one day at her house to accompany some "carne asada tacos" she served me. This is my simple version of that salsa made in a blender. I make other versions like Pico de Gallo which is what my mom used to make or salsa fresca, all the ingredients are chopped or diced and put together for a chunky version. This is more of saucy salsa. For this type of salsa I use Roma tomatoes as they are fleshier and lend themselves to this type of salsa. I like regular red tomatoes for salsa fresca, much more juicy! Especially fresh out of the garden!

6 Roma tomatoes
2-3 jalapenos
2-3 cloves of garlic
1/2 small white or yellow onion cut into chunks
2-3 sprigs of fresh cilantro
squeeze of lime juice
salt to taste

Rinse chilies and tomato put in sauce pot and add water, simmer on a med heat till skins of tomatoes split. Take your garlic and smash it under a flat knife the skin will loosen and be easy to peel off, chunk your onion. When tomatoes are done usually no more than 10 minutes remove from heat and let cool. Once cool cut out end where stem was. If you are adventurous and like hot spicy salsa just cut off  the stem of the jalapeno, otherwise open up jalapeno and remove veins and seeds...do not touch your eyes! Rinsing your hands with milk helps, but I would wash them thoroughly! If you do get chili in your eyes take a lock of someones hair, if not your own (hopefully its long enough) and rub your eye with the hair. I don't know why but that is what my Mom used to do, must be an old wives tale! Put all ingredients into a blender or smoothie maker and pulse! Add salt if needed, I use sea salt or kosher salt. Store in a plastic or glass container for about 3 days if it lasts that long! It is better made ahead as the flavors mingle and marry. At my house its usually doesn't get a chance to cool! Hope you enjoy this, add more or less of the ingredients that you like, more cilantro,more garlic or try Serrano or  other chile's.

I did not get  a picture of the finished product...it got eaten before I could take one to post!

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