just a little preface...
This blog consist of meals that are practically all purchased with the help of my footstamp budget, I work full time, but as a single mom with two children at home I am classified as "poverty level". I thank God everyday that my children get good homecooked meals, because there are so many kids in the USA that go hungry every day. I just wanted to add this so if you think you cannot purchase good food and create good meals on a tight budget I hope my blog makes you think of food in a different way. noturtypicalgma

the only thing i ask in sharing these recipes with you, is that you must really love the person you serve them to....cooking is how i show my love to the special people in my life.....

Sunday, May 15, 2011

My Lifelong Obsession With Food......

I have been in the kitchen for as long as I can remember. Learning to flip an egg before I went to kindergarten...that always seemed to be where the action was. My mother making all of her specialties like enchiladas and chile rellenos and some that were recipes of necessity like spaghetti (with heaven forbid) tomato sauce. My tastes weren't very advanced in those days and hey it was pretty good. My mom and I spent a lot of time in the kitchen and she was my teacher, until I discovered cooking shows on PBS.  I was cooking dinner for five people and trying out new recipes, that my Dad would eyeball before deciding to eat it, when I was about 12. Then I took what I learned watching cooking shows and what my Mom had taught me and developed my own style. Now there is a whole food network and cooking has become the "in" thing, and technically I am what is known as a "foodie". I have had occassional flops some weird Bisquick recipe my family hated, but really they have little to complain about.
Being a most of the time single Mom I have had to depend on foodstamps and still do. I have learned to shop wisely and cook things that can go into more than one meal. Now I am cooking differently for health reasons, need to lose weight, but I refuse to give up taste. If it does not taste good forget how healthy it is for you....So in this blog-vlog I will show you healthy recipes and some not so healthy but damned deliciously sinful recipes, maybe I will even try to cut the fat in some of my old specialties. I hope that you enjoy this new venture of mine half as much as I love doing it!

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