just a little preface...
This blog consist of meals that are practically all purchased with the help of my footstamp budget, I work full time, but as a single mom with two children at home I am classified as "poverty level". I thank God everyday that my children get good homecooked meals, because there are so many kids in the USA that go hungry every day. I just wanted to add this so if you think you cannot purchase good food and create good meals on a tight budget I hope my blog makes you think of food in a different way. noturtypicalgma

the only thing i ask in sharing these recipes with you, is that you must really love the person you serve them to....cooking is how i show my love to the special people in my life.....

Monday, June 13, 2011

Eggplant Parmigiana

I love eggplant, love it, love it, love it, it is such an underappreciated veggie! I make parmigiana and what I call an eggplant patty or fritter, my Grandma Katies recipe, post that one later. The parmigiana is my recipe one that I just worked on over the years. Now my kids love it to and so does my grandson who is going to be three. He has a great palate already..Hope you enjoy this recipe!

1 med to large eggplant
1c. flour
1c. italian seasoned breadcrumbs
1/4c. parmesan cheese grated
2tsp. paprika
1tsp. garlic powder
1tsp. salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1/4 tsp. dried oregano 
1/4tsp dried parsley
1/4 tsp basil
crush dried herbs between fingers to release flavor

1 egg
1c. milk
mix them together!
3-4 mozzarella string cheese sticks/or 6 slices if you want extra cheesiness

4tbsp of olive oil
1 to coat pan(s)
3 to brush on eggplant medallions

Video Recipe

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